
74 years woman drives a motorcycle. Well and what you do?

Ardys Kellerman - a member of Association of owners BMW of America. To it 74 years, but Ardys does not cease to drive motorcycles. It would Seem, what is necessary for the person in 74 years? It really good fellow, to 70 to keep normal coordination of movements, and to use it to herself on advantage is great.

35 years ago Ardys has started to go on small Yamaha after that it has received the driver's license and has started to practise. When Yamaha has broken, Honda CB360 became the basic transport for it. As well as with all motorcyclists, in due course comes it is time to change a motorcycle. Ardys has bought BMW R80RT though it and was afraid that it will be very heavy for it. Since then, BMW series RT, it is unique motorcycles on which went Ardys, and every year it reels up all more and more kilometers.

And the main thing, in 2006 year, she has won competition on the biggest run for 6 months which is annually spent by Association of owners BMW. Result: 80129 miles, for 6 months. Result Ardys has appeared the best not only among women-participants, together with among men!
It is possible to envy only, and to count, that when to me there will be 70 I too shall go for a drive on a motorcycle on the country. Instead of on an invalid carriage in a drugstore!


Russian Plane "Number One" Foto.

The Russian presidents fly on domestic courts. IL-96 on which Boris Yeltsin flied, it is estimated approximately in 300 million dollars, from them 40 million it has been spent for internal furnish. The interior was two-storeyed. In the liner have established two bedrooms, shower-room, a room for rest, a hall of meetings and even a cabinet for reanimation. Now this board is reserve for present heads of the state Vladimir Putin.
When the president became Putin branch for reanimation have replaced with an exercise room.
The president has received new plane Il-96-300 in the beginning of the second term. British company Diamonite Aircraft Furnishings was engaged in its furnish, it has managed to treasury in 10 million pounds (nearby 17 million dollars).